When can I start to exercise after giving birth…

It depends! But it’s likely sooner than you think - IF you want.


You’ve recently had a baby! Maybe you feel better than you expected? Maybe not! You’ve definitely been doing a LOT of sitting and would love to move your body in some way but you’ve been told not to do or lift anything until 6 weeks. Now what?

This blog will go over a few important basics including:

  1. When can I start?

  2. What are the safest exercises to start with postpartum?

  3. How do I know if I’m f’ing things up?

  4. Are my abs separated and what can I do about it?

  5. How can the Frank App Help?

So When Can I Start After Giving Birth?

As a pelvic floor physiotherapist and the brains behind Frank this topic is my bread and butter but I’ll be the first to admit that It’s a nuanced conversation because honestly, IT DEPENDS.

  • It depends by what you mean by exercise.

  • It depends on how your birth went; straightforward? c-section? vaginal? perineal tear? etc

  • It depends on what your fitness was like during your pregnancy (not 9 months BEFORE your birth).

The Good News: No matter the method of delivery, light walks, gentle breath work and pelvic floor range of motion from day 1 postpartum will always be your friend. It’s truly the best place to start to promote blood flow and mobility.

The Realistic News: it’s going to take TIME to rebuild your core, pelvic floor and body’s capacity to handle load and impact. Between being sleep deprived, having loads of relaxin in the body, and the active healing that’s occurring for WEEKS postpartum, physical activity should be tailored to meet that current context.

The Cherry on Top: There is so much that you can do int he first few months postpartum but there is significant evidence suggesting that high impact activities including HITT training, running, etc should not begin until at least 3 months postpartum - ya heard??

The Bad News: No one seems to know what to look out for when introducing exercise and think “a little leaking (or heaviness or bleeding) just means I’m weak, i’ll workout harder and it’ll fix it.” how do i insert the sound - wompwomp.

What are the Safest Exercises to Start With Postpartum?

In the early weeks, mobility, breath work and pressure management are KEY to helping reduce symptoms and support the body’s healing WITHOUT overexerting . Here are some Frank Basics:

Important To Consider: Assessing Readiness for Exercise

Key indicators that you may be ready to increase exercise intensity include:

  • Absence of pain during daily activities

  • Cessation of postpartum bleeding

  • No feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area

  • Ability to contract and relax pelvic floor muscles

How Do I Know If I’m F’ing Things Up?

The truth is, if you take the Dip Your Toes approach, and don’t just launch yourself into the heavy lifting deep-end, you won’t eff things up. That being said, there are some tell tale signs from your body that you are doing too much too soon:

✅ Increase in bleeding

✅ Pain

✅ Leaking pee or poo

✅ Increase in pelvic floor heaviness that doesn’t resolve shortly after stopping exercises

Especially early on, these symptoms are very important to stay respectful of. Your body needs space to heal more than it needs you to be getting a sweat on and dealing with that soft lil belly. Have patience. The more you respect this balance, the faster all will improve.

note: Stress can harm the body’s ability to heal. Many things stress the body including lack of sleep, poor nutrition, anxiety, AND EXERCISE. Make sure to be checking in on your body battery and the greater context of how you’re doing to properly consider if exercise will be healing or stressing - you know?

Are my abs separated and what can I do about it?

Yes - they are likely separated because everybody’s abs become separated during pregnancy. Although a majority of ab separation resolves within the first 3 months, knowing how to properly engage your core as your reintroduce exercise can make a HUGE difference. Have a read of this helpful blog and watch the self assessment video.

How can the Frank App Help?

Frank was created by a pelvic floor physio who has helped hundreds of people prepare for and recover from birth. Frank offers progressive and mindfully created programs that support each unique stage of your postpartum recovery.

In our easy to use app, you will find 3 different postpartum sections;

  1. "The Early Days"; mobility, education and breath work specifically for immediately postpartum

  2. "The Rebuild" - a 6 week program for when you're ready to increase intensity and get back into your regular workout moves

  3. The Next Step” - a return to run progressive program focused on single leg strength and reintroducing impact.

In Summary

Remember, postpartum recovery isn't a race. It's a journey – sometimes a wobbly, leaky one – but Frank is here to guide you every step of the way. So take it easy, listen to your body, and don't forget to laugh along the way. After all, nothing says "I'm a mom" quite like peeing a little when you sneeze …. but not for you - cuz you’ll have Frank to thank ;)



Nothing mentioned in this article should substitute medical advice. Don’t be a hero, stay within your symptom limits and if you have any adverse reactions, questions or concerns, consult a medical professional.


Frank About Pelvic Health 101